Friday, January 23, 2009

Resume Faux Pas

I've been spending an inordinate amount of time reviewing resumes over the last few days. Overall, it's a pretty boring process and I generally try to stop when I get grouchy because I think it's not fair to the candidates. So, in honor of my recent time spent perusing resumes, I would like to share a few observations:

  • If your college GPA was a 2.47, you probably don't need to mention that on your resume. It's not helping your case.

  • If you enable the "track changes" feature on the electronic version of your resume, you should "accept all changes" before sending it to a recruiter. Otherwise, we see every change, misspelling and correction you have made to your resume.

  • If you assess your skill level in Excel as a 5 out of 5, and then indicate that you don't have experience writing formulas in Excel, your self assessment may be off.

  • If you address your cover letter to "Dear Sirs," you should be certain that the "Sirs" are actually the ones who will be reading your cover letter. This is so antiquated and sexist, it's a deal-breaker for me.

  • If you think it's worth noting that you are "Detail ORIENTAL", you're probably not.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Spring Cometh to Me Right Now!

We had a great Christmas! We even extended the Christmas season by putting up our tree BEFORE Thanksgiving. But, this weekend we decided it was time to face reality and take the tree down. In doing so, we found a new furniture configuration for our living room that should give Evan a better play space. We also decided that it is time for Spring to come. Now!

In theory, I really like Winter. But in actuality, I only like Winter if it means snow, skiing, and snow days. So far, this Winter has produced no snow, no skiing and no guilt-free work reprieves. So, the Young Family is done with Winter and ready for Spring!

I know it is only January 5th, but a girl can dream can’t she? Spring cometh to me right now!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas Gift Reveal

I have been waiting for months to reveal my best kept Christmas shopping secret! But, because I didn't want to spoil the surprise for my family, I had to wait until AFTER Christmas. I purchased almost all of my Christmas gifts this year from my friend Lynda Hanford. Many of you know Lynda and you know about her beautiful work. For those of you who don't know Lynda, allow me to introduce you!

Lynda makes all sorts of hand made gifts. Not only is the quality of her work high, but she has great taste and was very willing to personalize the gifts. Here are a few pictures of the items she made for me this year...

She made this bag for my sister-in-law -- a major Eagles Fan!

This table runner for my Aunt. My aunt does mission trips to Haiti every year. The runner says "Merry Christmas" in English and in Haitian Kreol.

This bag for my mom - a teacher.

And, my personal favorite - this purse for my sister. Lynda added Kristin's favorite quote to the inside of the bag.

Earlier this year, Lynda made personalized burp cloths for some of my friends who had babies.Lynda is so creative and was such a joy to work with! I would highly recommend her! You can see more of her work on her main website:
And some more of her past work on her ETSY site:
Thank you Lynda!!!