We have been talking about moving to said bed for several weeks. Last Saturday morning I asked Evan if he wanted to get a big boy bed. For whatever reason, he totally latched on to that idea. Throughout the day on Saturday, he probably said "big boy bed" 3,000 times. (I'm totally not exaggerating here....) When he took his nap, I'm pretty sure the last words out of his mouth were "big boy bed".
So, we decided to go to Ikea for the big purchase. Throughout the entire store, he kept repeating "big boy bed... big boy bed..." It was really sweet....
You know what wasn't so sweet? What happened towards the end of the trip. As we were waiting in the eternal check out line, Evan decided that he wanted to get out of the cart. When we did not oblige, he started looking at complete strangers yelling "Help me! I NEED HELP!"
After some disapproving looks from fellow shoppers, we finally made it home with the famed big boy bed.
On Sunday, Dave and Evan set up the new bed. Here are a few pictures:
I know that a picture might be worth a thousand words. But in this instance, I really think that the words do it justice. Take a listen:
Sweet Dreams!