Thursday, March 18, 2010

Like a pancake...

Evan and Daddy during Evan's bath tonight:

D: Evan, now that it's light out longer you could stay up a little later and play. Would you like that?


D: But, there is one thing you have to do. If you stay up later, you can't take a bath in our bathroom, you need to take a shower in your bathroom. Could you do that?

E: (Stares at D for about 20 seconds)

D: Evan? Could you do that?

E: I'm going to stand on you and squish you flat.

D: What?

E: I'm going to stand on you and squish you flat!

D: What do you think about the shower?

E: No.


Marlita said...

So funny!

Becky Herring said...

I love your conversation posts :)

wesleyandbeth said...

Ha!!! so funny!

Dana said...

This sooooo made me laugh! I read it to Jay, too, and he loved it!!